Ing茅nieur Polytechnicien Program

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Ing茅nieur Polytechnicien Program

#Ing茅nieur Polytechnicien Program| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

MASTER鈥橲 SPECIALIZATION: TAKE YOUR PICK! This Master鈥檚 degree is the only one in which students can easily change their major and choose a specialization that is different from their undergraduate studies.

GO BEYOND WHAT YOU KNOWStudents are pushed out of their comfort zone to try new subjects and discover new areas of science. Each year, students must choose very different scientific courses to help them make an educated decision when it is time to choose their own field and specialization.

THERE IS NOT JUST ONE WAY OF GOING ABOUT SCIENCEStudents are confronted with different ways of thinking and of approaching science through a variety of different courses (i.e. mandatory Quantum Mechanics and Neuro Science classes).

A WELL-ROUNDED EDUCATIONMandatory soft skills and humanities courses are put at the forefront. Not only do our students take outstanding science classes, they are also able to benefit from many humanities and soft skills-based classes, to enrich their studies and enable them to gain valuable life and managerial skills.

MORE THAN JUST ONE FIELD, MORE THAN ONE CAREER OPTIONWith very different Master鈥檚 specializations available, our graduates have a wide array of top-level career options available both in the public and the private sector. One out of three students in the program continue with a PhD.




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